Operation Strategy and Product Strategy

Let us try to understand the relationships between the operation strategy and product strategy. The product strategy decides the basic policy covering various factors like what type of services are to be provided for a particular product to what type of customers and in order to do so what should be the attributes and performances of this product. The logic similar to that of operation strategy can be used while setting up this product strategy.

In this way, the product strategy and operation strategy have considerable amount of common points. In this text book, most of the points deal with setting up of mainly the operation strategy, however, a major part of these points is certainly applicable to the product strategy also.

Though, there are many common points, the two have dissimilarities also. The biggest dissimilarities deal with the management resources and business system. The operation strategy includes the decision regarding what should be done about the business system. On the other hand, the business system forms a postulate or the given conditions in connection with the decision on product strategy. The product strategy is decided on the basis of given business system which in turn is decided by the operation strategy. From this point of view, it can be said that products strategy is a lower level strategy of operation strategy.

Further, the product strategy is again restricted on the basis of what type of appointed tasks have been fixed for the said product among the different products. These type of appointed tasks are normally decided in the operation strategy.

The fundamental topic of operational strategy is to make a business system. However, there are other decisions also which need to be carried out under the product strategy and these are, who should be targeted as customers for a particular product or service, what should be the attributes and performances of the product which has to be supplied to the customer and the worth and the other factors include secondary service, place of sales, advertisement and propaganda and the price etc.